Physical Review E – April 1998
Volume 57, Issue 4


Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Classical fluids

Surface tension and dynamics of fingering patterns
F. X. Magdaleno and J. Casademunt
pp. R3707-R3710 [View PDF (104 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Critical behavior at the nematic to lamellar phase transitions: A synchrotron x-ray scattering study
S. T. Shin, J. D. Brock, Mark Sutton, J. D. Litster, and Satyendra Kumar
pp. R3711-R3714 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Critical orientational states in lyotropic liquid crystals induced by a magnetic field
L. M. Vega, J. J. Bonvent, G. Barbero, and E. A. Oliveira
pp. R3715-R3718 [View PDF (113 kB)]

Complex fluids and polymers

Reactive wetting- and dewetting-induced diffusion-limited aggregation
D. W. Zheng, Weijia Wen, and K. N. Tu
pp. R3719-R3722 [View PDF (6,581 kB)]
Iterative solutions of integral equations and structural stability of fluids
G. Malescio, P. V. Giaquinta, and Y. Rosenfeld
pp. R3723-R3726 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Generic density functional for electric double layers in a molecular solvent
T. Biben, J. P. Hansen, and Y. Rosenfeld
pp. R3727-R3730 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Shear flow effects on phase separation of entangled polymer blends
N. Clarke and T. C. B. McLeish
pp. R3731-R3734 [View PDF (126 kB)]

Biological physics

Frequency locking of meandering spiral waves in cardiac tissue
Bradley J. Roth
pp. R3735-R3738 [View PDF (183 kB)]
Mixed states in a neural network model
Z. Tan and M. K. Ali
pp. R3739-R3741 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Size distribution of vesicles with topological defects
Georg Foltin
pp. R3742-R3745 [View PDF (121 kB)]

Plasma physics

Effects of a prepulse on γ-ray radiation produced by a femtosecond laser with only 5-mJ energy
P. Zhang, J. T. He, D. B. Chen, Z. H. Li, Y. Zhang, J. G. Bian, L. Wang, Z. L. Li, B. H. Feng, X. L. Zhang, D. X. Zhang, X. W. Tang, and J. Zhang
pp. R3746-R3748 [View PDF (742 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Superparamagnetic clustering of data
Shai Wiseman, Marcelo Blatt, and Eytan Domany
pp. 3767-3783 [View PDF (370 kB)]
Monte Carlo method to calculate the central charge and critical exponents
Paul J. M. Bastiaansen and Hubert J. F. Knops
pp. 3784-3796 [View PDF (259 kB)]
Coniglio-Klein mapping in the metastable region
Camillo Padoa Schioppa, Francesco Sciortino, and Piero Tartaglia
pp. 3797-3803 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Generalized hierarchical model of defect development and self-organized criticality
M. G. Shnirman and Y. A. Tyurina
pp. 3804-3813 [View PDF (319 kB)]
Stochastic model for a vortex depinning in random media
Byungnam Kahng, Kwangho Park, and Jinhee Park
pp. 3814-3819 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Mechanisms of synchronization and pattern formation in a lattice of pulse-coupled oscillators
Albert Díaz-Guilera, Conrad J. Pérez, and Alex Arenas
pp. 3820-3828 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Solving the generalized Langevin equation with the algebraically correlated noise
T. Srokowski and M. Płoszajczak
pp. 3829-3838 [View PDF (241 kB)]
Theory of traffic jam in a one-lane model
Hisao Hayakawa and Ken Nakanishi
pp. 3839-3845 [View PDF (164 kB)]
Isothermal Maxwell demon as a quantum “sewing machine”
V. Čápek
pp. 3846-3852 [View PDF (154 kB)]
Genetic algorithm dynamics on a rugged landscape
Stefan Bornholdt
pp. 3853-3860 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Interaction effects in the spectrum of the three-dimensional Ising model
P. Provero
pp. 3861-3865 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Absorption-desorption phase transition induced by parametric modulation
C. Van den Broeck and R. Kawai
pp. 3866-3870 [View PDF (373 kB)]
Confined harmonically interacting spin-polarized fermions
F. Brosens, J. T. Devreese, and L. F. Lemmens
pp. 3871-3877 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Dynamics of fractures in quenched disordered media
Guido Caldarelli, Raffaele Cafiero, and Andrea Gabrielli
pp. 3878-3885 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Geometry of dynamics and phase transitions in classical lattice φ4 theories
Lando Caiani, Lapo Casetti, Cecilia Clementi, Giulio Pettini, Marco Pettini, and Raoul Gatto
pp. 3886-3899 [View PDF (301 kB)]
Partial factorization of wave functions for a quantum dissipative system
C. P. Sun, Y. B. Gao, H. F. Dong, and S. R. Zhao
pp. 3900-3904 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Wave propagation in heterogeneous excitable media
I. Schebesch and H. Engel
pp. 3905-3910 [View PDF (330 kB)]
Large-system hydrodynamic limit for color conductivity in two dimensions
Wm. G. Hoover, Kevin Boercker, and Harald A. Posch
pp. 3911-3916 [View PDF (15,888 kB)]
Transport of particles caused by correlation between additive and multiplicative noise
J. H. Li and Z. Q. Huang
pp. 3917-3922 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Imitation games: Power-law sensitivity to initial conditions and nonextensivity
Andrés R. R. Papa and Constantino Tsallis
pp. 3923-3927 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Energy transport and optical line shapes in dimers: Analytical description of the influence of colored noise
Ch. Warns, I. Barvik, and P. Reineker
pp. 3928-3936 [View PDF (244 kB)]
Residence time distribution of a Brownian particle
Alexander M. Berezhkovskii, Veaceslav Zaloj, and Noam Agmon
pp. 3937-3947 [View PDF (896 kB)]
Functional approach for quantum systems with continuous spectrum
Roberto Laura and Mario Castagnino
pp. 3948-3961 [View PDF (287 kB)]
Wigner-Kirkwood quantum corrections for the pair distribution function in a plasma
Marie-Madeleine Gombert and Daniel Léger
pp. 3962-3989 [View PDF (514 kB)]
Properties of resonant activation phenomena
Marián Boguñá, Josep M. Porrà, Jaume Masoliver, and Katja Lindenberg
pp. 3990-4002 [View PDF (266 kB)]
Long memory, fractal statistics, and Anderson localization for chemical waves and patterns with random propagation velocities
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad, John Ross, and Friedemann W. Schneider
pp. 4003-4015 [View PDF (4,373 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Collectivity embedded in complex spectra of finite interacting Fermi systems: Nuclear example
S. Drożdż, S. Nishizaki, J. Speth, and M. Wójcik
pp. 4016-4022 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Light squeezing at the transition to quantum chaos
Kirill N. Alekseev and Jan Peřina
pp. 4023-4034 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Bifurcations and chaos in a coupled superconducting-quantum-interference-device ring–resonator system
T. D. Clark, J. F. Ralph, R. J. Prance, H. Prance, J. Diggins, and R. Whiteman
pp. 4035-4040 [View PDF (169 kB)]
Implications of varying communication speeds in “globally” coupled maps
Sudeshna Sinha
pp. 4041-4045 [View PDF (152 kB)]
Stabilizing unstable orbits by slow modulation of a control parameter in a dissipative dynamic system
A. N. Pisarchik, B. F. Kuntsevich, and R. Corbalán
pp. 4046-4053 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Nonlinear dynamics in periodic phase space
A. Iomin, D. Gangardt, and S. Fishman
pp. 4054-4062 [View PDF (223 kB)]
Toward semiclassical theory of quantum level correlations of generic chaotic systems
Daniel L. Miller
pp. 4063-4076 [View PDF (287 kB)]
Chaotic properties of dilute two- and three-dimensional random Lorentz gases: Equilibrium systems
H. van Beijeren, Arnulf Latz, and J. R. Dorfman
pp. 4077-4094 [View PDF (366 kB)]
Relevance of chaos in numerical solutions of quantum billiards
Baowen Li, Marko Robnik, and Bambi Hu
pp. 4095-4105 [View PDF (218 kB)]
Scenario for the onset of space-time chaos
Gilad Goren, Jean-Pierre Eckmann, and Itamar Procaccia
pp. 4106-4134 [View PDF (642 kB)]
Synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in asymmetrically coupled map lattices
Yu Jiang and P. Parmananda
pp. 4135-4139 [View PDF (171 kB)]
Universal singularity at the closure of a gap in a random matrix theory
E. Brézin and S. Hikami
pp. 4140-4149 [View PDF (199 kB)]

Classical fluids

Dynamical quantum chaos as fluid turbulence
Tzihong Chiueh
pp. 4150-4154 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Cascade and dynamo action in a shell model of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Peter Frick and Dmitriy Sokoloff
pp. 4155-4164 [View PDF (192 kB)]
Short-range ordering in the supercooled states of a dimer system
Wen-Jong Ma and Shiow-Fon Tsay
pp. 4165-4169 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Sound of sonoluminescence
H.-Thomas Elze, Takeshi Kodama, and Johann Rafelski
pp. 4170-4185 [View PDF (314 kB)]
Electrical conductivity in a dilute gas far from equilibrium
V. Garzó
pp. 4186-4197 [View PDF (229 kB)]
Convection in a layer heated from below with a nearly insulating boundary
R. M. Clever and F. H. Busse
pp. 4198-4205 [View PDF (258 kB)]
Neutron-diffraction study of two organic liquids conducting under a low electric field
F. J. Mompeán, A. Chahid, D. Martín, and B. Ouladdiaf
pp. 4206-4210 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of fluids under internal constraints: Rigorous results for the one-dimensional hard rod fluid
David S. Corti and Pablo G. Debenedetti
pp. 4211-4226 [View PDF (277 kB)]
Thermal lattice Boltzmann simulations of variable Prandtl number turbulent flows
Min Soe, George Vahala, Pavol Pavlo, Linda Vahala, and Hudong Chen
pp. 4227-4237 [View PDF (1,576 kB)]
Influence of the Soret effect on convection of binary fluids
St. Hollinger and M. Lücke
pp. 4238-4249 [View PDF (283 kB)]
Model for convection in binary liquids
St. Hollinger, M. Lücke, and H. W. Müller
pp. 4250-4264 [View PDF (383 kB)]
Physical parameters affecting sonoluminescence: A self-consistent hydrodynamic study
L. Yuan, H. Y. Cheng, M.-C. Chu, and P. T. Leung
pp. 4265-4280 [View PDF (328 kB)]
Crossover behavior in turbulent velocity fluctuations
Jens Eggers and Z. Jane Wang
pp. 4281-4288 [View PDF (158 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Spatial correlation effects of molecules on the helical structure of cholesteric liquid crystals
Liangbin Hu, Yonggang Jiang, and Ruibao Tao
pp. 4289-4295 [View PDF (161 kB)]
Nonequilibrium structures in the thin layers of ferronematics
Andrej Yu. Zubarev and Larisa Yu. Iskakova
pp. 4296-4304 [View PDF (185 kB)]
Critical behavior of a smectic-A to nematic phase transition imbedded in a random network of voids
Sihai Qian, Germano S. Iannacchione, and Daniele Finotello
pp. 4305-4315 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Deuteron spin-spin relaxation study of second-order director fluctuations in the nematogen 5CB
Ronald Y. Dong
pp. 4316-4322 [View PDF (167 kB)]

Complex fluids and polymers

Quantitative phase-field modeling of dendritic growth in two and three dimensions
Alain Karma and Wouter-Jan Rappel
pp. 4323-4349 [View PDF (573 kB)]
Primary instabilities in Faraday waves under an arbitrarily periodic excitation
Chen Weizhong and Wei Rongjue
pp. 4350-4353 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Hierarchical model of slow constrained dynamics
M. A. Muñoz, A. Gabrielli, H. Inaoka, and L. Pietronero
pp. 4354-4360 [View PDF (237 kB)]
Thermodynamic stability of periodic and quasiperiodic crystals within a van der Waals approximation
R. Achrayah and M. Baus
pp. 4361-4367 [View PDF (153 kB)]
Tethered networks in two dimensions: A low-temperature view
Paul E. Lammert and Dennis E. Discher
pp. 4368-4374 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Temporally disordered granular flow: A model of landslides
Bosiljka Tadić
pp. 4375-4381 [View PDF (236 kB)]
Calculating exact propagators in single-file systems via the reflection principle
Christian Rödenbeck, Jörg Kärger, and Karsten Hahn
pp. 4382-4397 [View PDF (293 kB)]
Rotational correlation functions and apparently enhanced translational diffusion in a free-energy landscape model for the α relaxation in glass-forming liquids
Gregor Diezemann, Hans Sillescu, Gerald Hinze, and Roland Böhmer
pp. 4398-4410 [View PDF (247 kB)]
Brownian motion and polymer statistics on certain curved manifolds
Radu P. Mondescu and M. Muthukumar
pp. 4411-4419 [View PDF (1,012 kB)]
Influence of the softness of the repulsive core interaction on cluster melting
C. Rey, J. García-Rodeja, L. J. Gallego, and M. J. Grimson
pp. 4420-4425 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Vibrational dynamics of cluster-cluster aggregations
Takamichi Terao, Arifumi Yamaya, and Tsuneyoshi Nakayama
pp. 4426-4430 [View PDF (788 kB)]
Soret feedback in thermal diffusion of suspensions
Nelson V. Tabiryan and Weili Luo
pp. 4431-4440 [View PDF (258 kB)]
Models of stress fluctuations in granular media
P. Claudin, J.-P. Bouchaud, M. E. Cates, and J. P. Wittmer
pp. 4441-4457 [View PDF (405 kB)]
“Partial pressures” supported by granulometric classes in polydisperse granular media
Olivier Tsoungui, Denis Vallet, Jean-Claude Charmet, and Stéphane Roux
pp. 4458-4465 [View PDF (1,041 kB)]
Permeability of three-dimensional fracture networks
N. Koudina, R. Gonzalez Garcia, J.-F. Thovert, and P. M. Adler
pp. 4466-4479 [View PDF (517 kB)]
Stochastic equation for conserved growth in a restricted solid-on-solid model
Zhi-Feng Huang and Bing-Lin Gu
pp. 4480-4485 [View PDF (127 kB)]
Virial coefficients of hard-sphere mixtures
E. Enciso, N. G. Almarza, M. A. González, and F. J. Bermejo
pp. 4486-4490 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Boundary effects on the angle of repose in rotating cylinders
Christian M. Dury, Gerald H. Ristow, Jamie L. Moss, and Masami Nakagawa
pp. 4491-4497 [View PDF (223 kB)]
Diffusing-light spectroscopies beyond the diffusion limit: The role of ballistic transport and anisotropic scattering
P.-A. Lemieux, M. U. Vera, and D. J. Durian
pp. 4498-4515 [View PDF (347 kB)]
In situ time response measurement of the microspheres dispersed in electrorheological fluids
Weijia Wen, D. W. Zheng, and K. N. Tu
pp. 4516-4519 [View PDF (649 kB)]
Structure function and fractal dimension of diffusion-limited colloidal aggregates
Mohammed Lach-hab, Agustín E. González, and Estela Blaisten-Barojas
pp. 4520-4527 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Metastability of a granular surface in a spinning bucket
Chuck Yeung
pp. 4528-4534 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Inhomogeneous magnetization in dipolar ferromagnetic liquids
B. Groh and S. Dietrich
pp. 4535-4546 [View PDF (422 kB)]
Mesomorphic polymorphism of binary mixtures of water and surfactants
A. Linhananta and D. E. Sullivan
pp. 4547-4557 [View PDF (203 kB)]

Biological physics

Fractional Brownian motion as a nonstationary process: An alternative paradigm for DNA sequences
Paolo Allegrini, Marco Buiatti, Paolo Grigolini, and Bruce J. West
pp. 4558-4567 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Phase-ordering kinetics of cemetery organization in ants
Eric Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz, Vincent Fourcassié, and Jean-Louis Deneubourg
pp. 4568-4571 [View PDF (183 kB)]
Statistics of extinction and survival in Lotka-Volterra systems
Guillermo Abramson and Damián H. Zanette
pp. 4572-4577 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Synchronous oscillations in the cerebral cortex
P. A. Robinson, J. J. Wright, and C. J. Rennie
pp. 4578-4588 [View PDF (255 kB)]
Phyllotaxis: Its geometry and dynamics
Sy-Sang Liaw
pp. 4589-4593 [View PDF (158 kB)]
Unstable periodic orbits in human cardiac rhythms
K. Narayanan, R. B. Govindan, and M. S. Gopinathan
pp. 4594-4603 [View PDF (188 kB)]
Adaptation and optimal chemotactic strategy for E. coli
S. P. Strong, B. Freedman, William Bialek, and R. Koberle
pp. 4604-4617 [View PDF (246 kB)]
First principles calculation of the activity of cytochrome P450
M. D. Segall, M. C. Payne, S. W. Ellis, G. T. Tucker, and R. N. Boyes
pp. 4618-4621 [View PDF (87 kB)]
Eccentric motions of spiral cores in aggregates of Dictyostelium cells
Nobuaki Nishiyama
pp. 4622-4626 [View PDF (935 kB)]

Plasma physics

Screening potential in lattices and high-density plasmas
X. H. Do, M. Amari, J. Butaux, and H. Nguyen
pp. 4627-4632 [View PDF (175 kB)]
Nonlinear ionization waves
Tzihong Chiueh and David M. T. Kuo
pp. 4633-4637 [View PDF (128 kB)]
Amplitude collapse of nonlinear double-layer oscillations
M. Wendt, I. Axnäs, and S. Torvén
pp. 4638-4644 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Propagation of an ultrashort, intense laser pulse in a relativistic plasma
Burke Ritchie and Christopher D. Decker
pp. 4645-4649 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Competing effects of collisional ionization and radiative cooling in inertially confined plasmas
N. C. Woolsey, B. A. Hammel, C. J. Keane, C. A. Back, J. C. Moreno, J. K. Nash, A. Calisti, C. Mossé, R. Stamm, B. Talin, A. Asfaw, L. S. Klein, and R. W. Lee
pp. 4650-4662 [View PDF (986 kB)]
Measurements of early time radiation asymmetry in vacuum and methane-filled Hohlraums with the reemission ball technique
G. R. Magelssen, N. D. Delamater, E. L. Lindman, and A. A. Hauer
pp. 4663-4672 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Dielectric function and electrical dc conductivity of nonideal plasmas
G. Röpke
pp. 4673-4683 [View PDF (248 kB)]
Ionization and recombination rates of atomic oxygen in high-temperature air plasma flows
A. Bourdon, Y. Térésiak, and P. Vervisch
pp. 4684-4692 [View PDF (199 kB)]
X-ray scattering as a dense plasma diagnostic
Eran Nardi, Zeev Zinamon, David Riley, and Nigel C. Woolsey
pp. 4693-4697 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Direct calculation of inverse-bremsstrahlung absorption in strongly coupled, nonlinearly driven laser plasmas
Susanne Pfalzner and Paul Gibbon
pp. 4698-4705 [View PDF (175 kB)]

Physics of beams

Nonlinear effects of phase modulation in an electron storage ring
J. M. Byrd, W.-H. Cheng, and F. Zimmermann
pp. 4706-4712 [View PDF (1,524 kB)]
Stability of anisotropic beams with space charge
I. Hofmann
pp. 4713-4724 [View PDF (347 kB)]
Self-consistent beam distributions with space charge and dispersion in a circular ring lattice
Marco Venturini and Martin Reiser
pp. 4725-4732 [View PDF (583 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Compacton solutions for a class of two parameter generalized odd-order Korteweg–de Vries equations
Bishwajyoti Dey
pp. 4733-4738 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Switching between bistable states in a discrete nonlinear model with long-range dispersion
Magnus Johansson, Yuri B. Gaididei, Peter L. Christiansen, and K. Ø. Rasmussen
pp. 4739-4742 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Energy dissipation and trapping of particles moving on a rough surface
C. Henrique, M. A. Aguirre, A. Calvo, I. Ippolito, S. Dippel, G. G. Batrouni, and D. Bideau
pp. 4743-4750 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Analytical solution for the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation describing optical shock formation
Jairo R. de Oliveira and Marco A. de Moura
pp. 4751-4756 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Dynamical evolution of multiple four-wave-mixing processes in an optical fiber
D. L. Hart, Arthur F. Judy, Rajarshi Roy, and James W. Beletic
pp. 4757-4774 [View PDF (1,759 kB)]
First-order perturbed Korteweg–de Vries solitons
R. A. Kraenkel
pp. 4775-4777 [View PDF (74 kB)]
Dielectric and optical properties of pure liquids by means of ab initio reaction field theory
Yi Luo, Patrick Norman, Hans Ågren, Kristian O. Sylvester-Hvid, and Kurt V. Mikkelsen
pp. 4778-4785 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Kink solitons of the double-quadratic model in the presence of an external spatially inhomogeneous force
J. A. Hołyst
pp. 4786-4788 [View PDF (143 kB)]

Computational physics

Numerical technique for studying stochastic resonance
M. V. Tretyakov
pp. 4789-4794 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Physics-motivated numerical solvers for partial differential equations
L. San Martin and Y. Oono
pp. 4795-4810 [View PDF (347 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Dynamical reduction of discrete systems based on the renormalization-group method
T. Kunihiro and J. Matsukidaira
pp. 4817-4820 [View PDF (126 kB)]

Classical fluids

Liquid polymorphism of simple fluids within a van der Waals theory
Carlos F. Tejero and Marc Baus
pp. 4821-4823 [View PDF (86 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Infinitely thin disks exhibit a first order nematic-columnar phase transition
Martin A. Bates and Daan Frenkel
pp. 4824-4826 [View PDF (66 kB)]

Complex fluids and polymers

Static and dynamic epidemia on chains and trees with two- and three-dimensional loops
Kristinka Ivanova
pp. 4827-4830 [View PDF (81 kB)]
Absence of inelastic collapse in a realistic three ball model
D. Goldman, M. D. Shattuck, C. Bizon, W. D. McCormick, J. B. Swift, and Harry L. Swinney
pp. 4831-4833 [View PDF (88 kB)]
Lattice Boltzmann scheme with real numbered solid density for the simulation of flow in porous media
Orla Dardis and John McCloskey
pp. 4834-4837 [View PDF (84 kB)]

Biological physics

Translational diffusion in phospholipid bilayer membranes
A. Haibel, G. Nimtz, R. Pelster, and R. Jaggi
pp. 4838-4841 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Genetic polymorphism in an evolving population
H. Y. Lee, D. Kim, and M. Y. Choi
pp. 4842-4845 [View PDF (82 kB)]

Plasma physics

Electromagnetic modes in cold magnetized strongly coupled plasmas
I. M. Tkachenko, J. Ortner, and V. M. Rylyuk
pp. 4846-4849 [View PDF (114 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Riccati parameter modes from Newtonian free damping motion by supersymmetry
Haret C. Rosu and Marco A. Reyes
pp. 4850-4852 [View PDF (95 kB)]